Grit Characteristics - GYG

7 ways to develop Grit and become Grittier

Passion, Perseverance, Courage, Tenacity, Resilience, Guts, and Initiative.


One reason some people devote so much time, effort, and hard work to achieving success in a certain area/theme/skill is because they are passionate about it. A strong desire or enthusiasm for anything is defined as passion. A strong feeling toward a highly important value stimulates intentions and behaviors to communicate that value. It may be claimed that passion is "something" that motivates us to attain a goal or achieve a goal, and that it is directly linked to an individual's involvement, commitment, and effort. A person's enthusiasm for an object, activity, concept, or person can be motivated by passion. Passion can be domain-specific, meaning that one can be passionate about work or pastimes. Passion helps an individual maintain the attention required to achieve his or her goals (Duckworth et al., 2011). 



One type of perseverance is the daily discipline of trying to accomplish things better than we did the day before. So, once you've discovered and developed an interest in a particular field [your passion], you must dedicate to a kind of focused, whole-hearted, skill-exceeding practice that results to excellence.

It's vital to note that passion can exist without perseverance, and perseverance can exist without passion. It's the mix of the two that leads to long-term, lifelong success.

Taking up a new interest with obsessive intensity for a while is an example of passion without perseverance. We eventually give up and move on to the next new thing, whether it's a few weeks, a year or two.

Perseverance without passion is pursuing something you don't care about. Perseverance without passion is doing something we don't enjoy. Perhaps we're doing it to meet the expectations of others. Perhaps it's due to societal pressure.

While we may achieve some external accomplishment, we do not appreciate the process of learning and uncovering new layers as we go. We continue with it because we don't have any other option, not because we want to.

Five Steps to develop Perseverance

Clarify your goals.   Make a list of your objectives, strategy, and time-frame. Understand the resources available to you, such as people and the Internet. Working backward from your target outcome and completion date, divide the goal into manageable steps.

Define your objective. It should be based on your goals, needs, and abilities. Determine why you want to achieve this objective and how it will benefit you and others.

Stay in the moment. Do not concentrate on the past or be concerned about the future. Allow attachments to go. The higher the dread of losing something, the more devoted you are to it.

Appreciate your achievements. Assess these against your own particular goals for self-improvement. Have the bravery to stand by your beliefs.

Maintain your positivity. Expect the unexpected. Keep a daily planner where you focus on important steps you are taking towards achieving your long-term goals.

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